La bible est-elle parole de Dieu?«... et Jésus s'assit dessus » ( Marc 11:7 ) «... Jésus ... s'assit dessus »(Jean 12:14 ) Dieu Tout-Puissant pourrait-il être l'auteur de cette situation déplacée ? Dieu s'écarte ainsi de Son Chemin afin de bien s'assurer que les auteurs des Evangiles n'oublient pas de signaler, en bas de page, la promenade à dos d'âne de Son "fils" alors qu'il entre dans la Ville Sainte. Dieu, aussi, leur "souffle" de censurer toute information se rapportant à l'ascension de Son "fils" vers le ciel sur les ailes des anges ? CA SUFFIT
Les évangélistes acharnés et les défenseurs de la Bible furent trop lents à saisir la plaisanterie. Avant qu'ils n'aient compris que In the above drawing is shown the gradual development of the English Bible as well as the foundations upon winch each successive version rests. We are living in an age of printing. It is hard for us to realize that when the books of the Bible were originally written, there was no printing press to multiply the copies.Each copy must be made slowly and laboriously by hand. Under these conditions it was inevitable that many ancient books should be lost. This largely accounts for the fact that all the original manuscripts of the bible have perished. (1).We have the most ancient copies made from the original manuscripts. We mention only three principal ones. (a) The Codez Sinaiticus, originally a codex of the Greek Bible belonging ' to the fourth century. Purchased from the Soviet Republic of Russia in 1933 by Great Britain and is now in the British Museum. (b) The Codex Alexandrinus, probably written in the fifth century, now in the British Museum. It contains the whole Greek Bible with the exception of forty lost leaves. (c) The Codex Vaticanus, in the Vatican library at Rome, originally contained the whole Bible but parts are lost. Written probably about the fourth century.